Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Top Destination #1 Mount Semeru

Bukit Teletubbies

Pos Ranu Pani
Ranu Pani
Kampung Pendaki Ranu Kumbolo
Ranu Kumbolo
Tanjakan Cinta
Oro Oro Ombo
Sumber Air Sumbermani
Sunrise Puncak
Sunrise Puncak
Negeri di Atas Awan
Pemandangan dari puncak

Jalur Puncak-Kalimati

Senin, 30 Desember 2013

NgeGalau @MIPA

Ini pas lagi pengen banget makan mie galau, jadi ngegalau bareng deh :3
w/ Aisah Zulfa Anok Lailis Aisyah Amala Siti Herlina Askin @taman depan MIPA

Reuni pertama nih

Sunday, 29 Dec 2013
baru 1 semester nggak ketemu, udah pada kangen :) Ini reuni kita yang pertama di Smansa terus makan-makan di Mie Galau ...
Ada Aisah, Dea, Elsha, Friska, Reny, Tanti, Tusty, Yuli, Zulfa.
Kece-kece kan :D

2014 :)

Nggak kerasa bentar lagi, terhitung dua hari dari tulisan ini, 2014 datang :)
Banyak kenangan yang pastinya nggak bisa dilupain dari 2013. Dari mulai senang, sedih, kecewa, marah, deg-degan, seru, sakit hati, galau, nangis, canda, semuanya campur aduk ada di tahun ini.

Yang paling ngangenin dari tahun ini kalo menurutku itu masa-masa terakhir pake seragam putih abu-abu :')
Iya, siapa yang nggak rindu masa SMA yang dengan semua keajaibannya bikin semua pengen balik ke masa itu, apalagi buat mahasiswa baru kayak aku yang baru ngerasa kalo kuliah itu ribet.

Inget masih pake seragam ke sekolah, kelas 12, pagi-pagi berangkat. Trus ngerjain PR di kelas hehehe ketauan malesnya deh :D Kadang acak bangku paginya, kalo lagi dapet temen sebangku yang agak nggak sesuai mood pasti bingung minta tuker sana sini. Trus pelajaran sampek ngantuk2, selain emang karena capek juga bosen tiap hari 6 pelajaran UNAS yang dihadapi -_- Belum ada bimbel. Pulang langsung bawaannya pengen langsung tidur, tapi tetep harus siap2 buat besok sekolah lagi.

Banyak banget ujian, dari mulai ujian dari sekolah, LBB, pemerintah, dan akhirnya UNAS. Melelahkan, tapi kalo diinget-inget jadi kangen banget. Apalagi waktu itu makin kerasa banget kompaknya SAPISUNAT :*
Belajar bareng, main bareng, galau bareng, becanda bareng, sedih bareng, kompak bangetlah sampek nunda ngumpulin tugas juga bareng haha

Kangen banget sama para SAPI yang unyu-unyu. Sekarang udah pada mencar, ngejalanin proses sendiri-sendiri. Ada yang ke Bogor, Jakarta, Surabaya, di Malang juga banyak. Tapi tujuan kita masih tetep sama yaitu SUKSES dunia akhirat! *amiin Ya Allah.
Semoga suatu saat nanti kita kumpul dengan kebanggaan yang udah kita perjuangkan. Semangat!

Di tahun ini juga, statusku dari siswi naik pangkat jadi Mahasiswi. Alhamdulillah, Universitas Brawijaya jadi almamater yang harus siap bangga dengan masuknya aku di sana :) Insyaallah kebanggaan itu akan aku perjuangkan juga untuk almamater ini. Banyak temen-temen baru, nggak cuma di Statistika atau MIPA aja tapi juga dari fakultas lain. Semoga tahun 2014 nanti makin tambah temen..

Untuk tahun 2014, pastinya banyak banget yang pengen aku lakuin, aku raih nanti. Nggak bisa ditulis satu per satu karena pasti panjang banget. Yang pasti aku berharap semoga lancar kuliah, nilai sangat memuaskan, lancar kegiatan diluar kuliah, bisa jadi anak, cucu, saudara, teman, pacar, dan hamba Allah yang lebih baik.
Untuk semuanya, semoga mendapat nikmat sehat, rezeki, bahagia, dan selalu bersama orang-orang tercinta, dihindarkan dari musibah, bahaya, penyakit, serta selalu diridhoi dalam menjalankan peran sebagai manusia dengan lancar dan dimudahkan oleh Allah SWT *aamiiin

SELAMAT DATANG DI TAHUN 2014 :) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
2014 New Year HD Wallpaper1 Six Mobile & Remarketing PPC Resolutions for 2014

Are We Over ~ Charice

Been hearin' the whispers
They're talkin' like we're over
Baby that's news to me (hmmm..)
Don't like what I'm hearin'
And i don't wanna listen
But are you through with me?

They say that there's been someone else
Who's been takin' up your time
They say that there's been someone else
Who's been on your mind
Oh, won't you tell me what is real
Are they right? Are you gonna let me go?
Let me know, let me know...

Is there any truth to what they're talkin' 'bout?
Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?
Are we over?
Is there any love for me left in your heart?
Have you become the one who's gonna rip my world apart?
Are we over?

If you're hidin' something
I think that you should come clean
Tell me what's going on
Now am I just trippin'
Or is there something I'm missin'?
Tell me, is something wrong?

'Coz all I hear is all the talk
That you got somebody new (somebody new)
Maybe I'm blind 'coz I
Don't wanna believe it's true
Won't you tell me what's the deal
Are they right? Are we coming to an end?
Don't pretend, don't pretend...

Is there any truth to what they're talkin' 'bout?
Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?
Are we over?
Is there any love for me left in your heart?
Have you become the one who's gonna rip my world apart?
Are we over?

If you're goin' to let me go (let me go~)
Don't let me be the last to know
Have you found someone else (someone else)
Won't you tell (oh~) me now?

Is there any truth to what they're talkin' about?
Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?
Are we over? woooaaah~
Is there any truth to what they're talkin' 'bout?
Have I become the one that you have learned to live without?
Are we over? (are we over) yeah~
Is there any love for me left in your heart?
Have you become the one who's gonna rip my world apart? (tell me~)
Are we over?

Been hearing the whispers..

Bikin tambah galau nih lagu ini :(

Story of My Life ~ One Direction

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I've been holding on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time... is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still

And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I've been holding on so tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time... is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I'll be waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen
The story of my life
I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
Until she's broke (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life

Enak buat didengerin, liriknya juga bagus
baru pertama denger langsung suka :)

Great City #3 ~ Florence

1. Piazza Del Duomo
Piazza Del Duomo (sumber:

Terletak di jantung kota, tempat ini merupakan ruang publik paling terkenal di Florence. Ia dikelilingi oleh Cupola Duomo, katedral besar yang didesain oleh Brunelleschi. Piazza Del Duomo menandai daerah pusat kota Florence. Berbentuk persegi panjang, Piazza Del Duomo mencakup beberapa bangunan penting dari Milan, seperti Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

2. Galleria degli Uffizi
Galleria degli Uffizi (sumber:
Tempat ini merupakan museum seni terbesar dan tertua di Florence. Memiliki 45 ruangan dengan 2 galeri, ditunjang dengan koridir bersejarah yang tak boleh terlewatkan selama berkunjung ke sini. Galleri ini memiliki beberapa koleksi utama yang bisa Anda lihat saat berkunjung. Koleksi tersebut adalah lukisa karya Leonardo da Vinci dan Michelangelo.

3. Palazzo Vecchio

The facade of Palazzo Vecchio

Dengan gaya militer abad ke-14 ditunjang dengan menara setinggi 308 kaki, istana yang menyerupai benteng ini layak dikunjungi. Nikmati lukisan fresco di dinding zaman kekuasaan keluarga Medici.

4. Galleria dell'Accademia
Photo of Galleria dell\

Ia merupakan galeri kedua di Florence yang ramai dikunjungi. Menyimpan tujuh karya terbaik Michaelangelo dan koleksi lukisan sejumlah pelukis era Renaissance seperti Benozzo, Gozzoli, Botticelli, Fillippino Lippi, Perugino, dan banyak lainnya.

5. Piazza Repubblica

Salah satu ruang publik yang populer di kalangan turis karena kenyamanannya untuk menikmati waktu santai. Sambil menikmati espresso dan kue, pengunjung seakan dibawa ke suasana kota dimana banyak seniman berkarya di era abad ke-19.

6. Museo Nazionale del Bargello

Museum nasional ini berdiri di abad ke-13 dan menyimpan sejumlah koleksi seni berharga, salah satunya karya pertama Michaelangelo yang berjudul Bacchus. Karya seniman lainnya yang juga bisa dilihat adalah Ghiberti, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Verrocchio, Cellini dan Giambologna.

7. Giardino di Boboli

Giardino di Boboli (sumber:

Bertempat di area bukit dekat Palazzo Pitti, area taman umum ini menyajikan pemandangan khas Italia yang tradisional dan orisinil. Dikatakan di amphitheater taman inilah sejarah seni opera dimulai.

8. Oltrarno
Lovely street fountain in Oltrarno

Dari sekian banyak perumahan di Florence, area ini terbilang paling berwarna dan indah bagaikan lukisan. Terletak di sisi selatan sungai Arno, area ini menyajikan pemandangan jalan setapak dari bebatuan, toko barang antik, hingga restoran yang menarik. Banyak yang menganggap kebudayaan asli Florence tersisa di sini.

9. Piazzale Michelangelo
Piazzale Michelangelo (dok. wolipop)

Bagi penduduk setempat, area ini memiliki sudut pandang terbaik untuk melihat keseluruhan kota. Ditunjang dengan panorama indah matahari terbenam Florence, banyak turis mendatangi tempat ini. Banyak pula toko suvenir yang menjual replika patung Michaelangelo yang berjudul David.

10. Ponte Vecchio
Ponte Vecchio (dok. wolipop)

Ponte Vecchio yang berarti jembatan tua bertempat di Mercato Nuevo. Anda bisa melihat bagian Florence yang paling klasik di sini, diperkuat dengan arsitektur jembatan dari tahun 1345. Kini jembatan tersebut diramaikan oleh para pedagang perhiasan hingga koleksi fashion.

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

sumpek :(

Udah lama nggak ngepost, sekarang mau nulis apalagi yaa???

Eh, pada tau nggak readers, aku lagi sumpek nih..
Kayak ada yang sebenernya nggak mau aku pikirin tapi entah kenapa nggak bisa ilang dari kepala. Kadang pas ada kuliah atau belajar buat kuis, pas ngobrol sama temen-temen, pikiran tentang itu hilang. Tapi pas lagi diem, sendiri kayak gini langsung deh kepikiran. Yaa, semoga aja cepet hilang dan nggak ngganggu lagi :)

The Last KRIMA

Sabtu, 16 November 2013
Krima 4 adalah acara puncak dari semua acara ospek yang ada..
Yaa tetep ada bentakan, yang bikin beda itu ada inagurasi dan hujan gedhe..
Sambil ujan-ujanan kita tetep seru-seruan nampilin hasil karya kita. Anak Statistika nampilin kecak sama senam trek jing khas masta. dan yang jadi prodi terbaik adalah saudara kita, Matematika.. Selamaaaat

Di akhir acara, ada kejutan dari para Korlap. Setelah bentak-bentak, mereka langsung berubah jadi anak band. Hmm lumayanlah, tapi sayang aku nggak hafal lagu yang dinyanyiin hihihi :)
Sebelum pulang, kita salaman dan saling minta maaf sama semua panitia yang udah baris berjajar sambil ngasih kado yang udah dibuat para maba.

Alhamdulillah, usai sudah ospek ini. Resmi jadi mahasiswa baru :)
Terima kasih buat semua panitia dari PK2MU, Probinmaba Fmipa, Krima, dan MasterGen 2013 atas acara yang tak terlupakan.
Buat temen-temen maba Selamat menjadi mahasiswa seutuhnya dan selamat berjuang untuk jadi mahasiswa berprestasi.

Hidup Mahasiswa!


8-10 November 2013,
Setelah banyak rangkaian acara osjur yang cukup melelahkan, akhirnya acara puncak diklat jurusan, Master Camp 2013. Hari Jumat habis UTS terakhir langsung berangkat ke Coban Rais, Kota Batu.
Banyak barang yang harus dibawa, tapi untungnya udah dikumpulin sebelum hari H, lumayan nggak berat waktu jalan ke camp.

Selama 3 hari disana, ada banyak kegiatan.
Dari mulai JJM alias jalan jalan malam yang paling nggak bisa dilupain pas MC. Pertama, karena suasananya yang dingin plus sepinya malam hari. Kedua, pemandangan kota Batu dan Kota Malang yang waaaaaaaw banget :) Subhanallah bener-bener indah dengan gemerlap lampu dan bintang-bintang ditemani bulan di langit atas.. Sempet keinget salah satu impianku (menikmati indahnya pemandangan malam dengan taburan bintang dan bulan yang tersenyum di atasnya bersama orang-orang yang aku sayang). Yang ketiga, pastinya karena bentak-bentakan para komsus yang entah gimana caranya bisa membelah diri dari yang biasanya cuma 6 orang jadi belasan komsus malam itu. Sayang, aku nggak bisa liat wajah mereka satu-satu karena emang gelap.

Paginya ada outbond per kelompok. Dan kelompokku kebagian jalan paling jauh. Jadii yaaa gitu deh capeknya fyuuuuh.. Walaupun akhirnya kalah sama kelompok lain tapi dibuat seru-seruan lah yaa plus bikin kulit agak coklat :D

Malam harinya adalah malam inagurasi. Agak garing menurutku, soalnya kurang heboh dan banyak kelompok yang sama kayak kelompokku yang otodidak alias nggak ada persiapan sebelum tampil. Hehehe jadinya ngasal banget plus maluuunya itu yang nggak ketulungan :D

Hari minggu pagi, senam dan sekaligus seru-seruan bareng panitia. Dan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu adalah saat Komsus beraksi. Emang udah kebaca sih skenarionya..
Habis dimarah-marahin, para komsus langsung nyanyi dan minta maaf sama kita :) hmm,nggak usah dibuka topeng korlapnya juga udah ketauan sebenernya orangnya kayak gimana.

Siang hari kita semua warga MASTA pulang ke Malang. Awalnya baik-baik aja, tapi di jalan Mertojoyo kalo gak salah, lagi ada pawai hari pahlawan. akibatnya, truk pasir yang kita naikin macet lamaaa banget. Udah item sampai panas kayak kulit itu kebakar, kekurangan air minum lagi :'( Tapi kak Sandy (ex Komsus) yang naik di trukku so sweet, dia lompat dari atas truk ke warung trus beli berbotol-botol air mineral. Hmm makasih ya Kakak.. Alamdulillah, semua warga Masta selamat sampai di kampus :)

Hari senin, udah keliatan dampak dari MC yaitu, kulit item dan ngelupas. Apalagi kulitku yang sensitif, nggak bawa cream sunblock pula pas MC. Lengkap sudah, capek, ngantuk, item, dan seneng.
Terakhir, Congrats buat Maba yang udah resmi jadi warga Masta :) dan untuk panitia selamat acara MC 2013 sukses :)

Unconditionally ~ Katy Perry

Oh no, did I get too close?
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

Come just as you are to me
Don't need apologies
Know that you are worthy
I'll take your bad days with your good
Walk through the storm I would
I do it all because I love you, I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

So open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart

Acceptance is the key to be
To be truly free
Will you do the same for me?

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
And there is no fear now
Let go and just be free
'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)
I will love you (unconditionally)
I will love you
I will love you unconditionally

This song is a truly love song.
Beautiful lyric with romantic music.
It reflects my feeling for you, I hope you feel the same.
I will love you unconditionally.

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Catch My Breath ~ Kelly Clarkson

I don't wanna be left behind
Distance was a friend of mine
Catching breath in a web of lies
I've spent most of my life
Riding waves, playing acrobat
Shadowboxing the other half
Learning how to react
I've spent most of my time

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down,
It's all so simple now

Addicted to the love I found
Heavy heart, now a weightless cloud
Making time for the ones that count
I'll spend the rest of my time
Laughing hard with the windows down
Leaving footprints all over town
Keeping faith, karma comes around
I will spend the rest of my life

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down,
It's all so simple now

You helped me see
The beauty in everything

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down,
It's all so simple now
It's all so simple now

Catching my breath, letting it go,
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life,
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

(Catch my breath)

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back,
I ain't got time for that
(Catch my breath)
Catch my breath (catch my breath), won't let them get me down,
It's all so simple now

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Great City #2 Venice

Grand Canal

The Grand Canal or Canal Grande winds through the heart of Venice. It's over 21/2 miles (3 km) long and full of vaporetti, barges, water taxis and gondolas. Bordering the canal are beautiful palazzi, mostly dating from the 14th to the 18th century. You can admire them by taking a gondola ride or more cheaply by taking vaporetto no 1 from front of Santa Lucia railway station. Three beautiful bridges span the canal        
                                              (Scalzi, the Rialto and Accademia).

Basilica di San Marco

This is where the Byzantine meets the Western art. Basilica di San Marco is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the most important church in Venice. It was built over several centuries, starting in 832. Inside, the basilica is covered in splendid Byzantine mosaics (only illuminated at certain times). There is an entrace fee for the treasury and for Pala d'Oro (the main altarpiece made of gold and precious stones) and to see the four ancient bronze horses kept in the Museo della Basilica (the ones on the balcony are copies). From the balcony one can get a nice view of the Piazza.

Rialto Bridge

Until the 19th century this was the only bridge between the two sides of the Grand Canal. The bridge as we see it today was built in the 16th century when a competition took place to chose the design of the new bridge to replace an older structure. Michelangelo was among the contenders but the competition was won by Antonio da Ponte. This is one of the centers of activity in Venice and everywhere on the islands there are signs indicating the direction for the Rialto bridge. The bridge is a good place to watch the activity on the Grand Canal at any hour of the day.

The Doge's Palace

The Doge's Palace was built in the early 9th century as a fortress. It was afterwards rebuilt in the 12th century and modified again in the 14th and 15th century. Its facade as we can see it today is a Gothic masterpiece in pink and white marble. From its early days, the Doge's Palace served as the seat of the government, the Palace of Justice, the prison and the home of the doge. The doge was the elected ruler of the Republic, but its role was rather that of a figurehead. Inside the palace the halls are lavishly decorated with many of the paintings representing the eternal glory of La Serenissima. Many of the works are by Venice's most renowned artists like Veronese and Tintoretto.

Islands of the Lagoon: Murano

Like Venice, Murano is made up of smaller islands connected by bridges. It is known all over the world for its glasswork. The glasswork manufacturing started in the 12th century and in the 15th and 16th centuries Murano was the main glass producer in Europe. This craft continues today and the main attraction of Murano is to watch the glass artisans at work. Many small factories line the Fondamenta dei Vetrai, the street that starts at the Colonna landing stage. We went there on a Saturday and found out that many factories are closed over the weekend. Still we managed to find one that was open and witnessed the glass blowing of a horse. All these factories have a showroom where they sell glass (no obligation to buy, of course). There is also a Glass Museum (Museo Vetraio) that one can visit. Murano can be reached by vaporetto.

Islands of the Lagoon: Burano

Burano is another small island of the Venetian lagoon. The same way as Murano is known for its glasswork, Burano is known for its lace. As soon as you leave the vaporetto's landing stage you'll see the vending stalls that sell lace and linen. The island is quite small and densely populated and the houses that line the streets are painted in bright colors which makes the stroll very enjoyable. The main thoroughfare is Via Baldasarre Galuppi which ends into a beautiful piazza. Here you can find the Lace Museum (Museo del Merletto) where you can find out more about this craft.

Islands of the Lagoon: Lido

Lido is a slender island located between the lagoon and the open sea. The only reason to visit this island is to go to the beach. It has no notable architecture but if you want to relax on the beach, after all that walking in Venice, then this is the place to do it. From Venice you can reach Lido by vaporetto.

Love Story :)

Everyone has a different love story. Every love story has its own uniqeness. There are always some sad and happy stories. I've proven it. I have an amazing love story, my friend too. But, our stories are different. Just enjoy your love story because it is written by God and it'll be the best story of your life :)

"Don't compare your love story to those you watch in movies.
They're written by scriptwriters and yours is written by GOD"

I hope OUR love story will be ended happily and be an everlasting love...
Love You :*


Sabtu (19/10) ada Pra Master Camp 3. PMC kali ini bener-bener beda sama PMC sebelumnya. Mau tau ceritanya?
Ini dia..

H-2 PMC 3 dipostinglah tugas plus dresscode buat hari sabtu. Dan yang bikin curiga adalah dresscodenya beda dari biasanya. Pake kaos UB dan training. Banyak yang nebak kalo nggak outbond ya kerja bakti.
Ternyata tebakan kita benar. OUTBOND.
Awalnya, kita dibariskan panitia. Belum ada yang aneh. Cuma yang aku heran, kenapa panitia? Kenapa bukan Komsus kayak biasanya? Terus, kita diajak seru-seruan. Ada senam poco-poco, senam dance, joget Caisar, dan terakhir ada senam himamasta hihihi

ternyata, masih ada lagi loh..
selanjutnya, masing-masing kelas diadu buat menangin lomba kayak 17an. Ada balap karung, makan kerupuk, membalik poster, lompat tali, dan puncaknya tarik tambang (makanya disuruh bawa sarung tangan).
banyak perlombaan yang dimenangin kelasku Statistika B :D yaa walaupun di partai final tarik tambang kelasku kalah, tapi tetep jadi Juara Umum dong yeeeeeeaaayyy! terus yang nggak kalah seru ada tarik tambang Maba vs Panitia. seruuu liatnya! Tau nggak siapa yang menang?? pasti Maba Berjaya lah..
Congrats Stat B! Congrats Maba!

setelah itu, moving ke mipa buat materi. Kita kedatangan anggota Himatika dan IHMSI loh. Kita juga presentasi tentang PKM-K yang udah dibuat tiap kelompok.
selain itu, ditunjukin juga 5 video terbaik kreasi maba 2013. Leverage belum menang tapi gapapa congrats buat kelompok yang menang (aku lupa nama kelompoknya maaf yaa :) )

di akhir acara diputerin video bikinan panitia tentang PMC 2013. di videonya ada tulisan "Goodbye PMC 1, 2, 3.. Hello MC 2013". itu berarti semakin dekatlah kita sama Master Camp yang bakal bikin capek *of course, tapi pasti unforgettable. Gak sabar MC 2013! semoga benar-benar menyenangkan dan jauh dari perploncoan , OK kakak panitia?? Sip deh :)
tetep semangat Maba 2013 !!!

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Struggle :)

I found an amazing anonymous quote :

"Jika ada seseorang yang cukup kuat untuk menjatuhkanmu, tunjukkan padanya bahwa kamu cukup kuat untuk bangkit kembali"

this quote makes me realize that nothing can stop us to do whatever we want. we need to keep struggling in every condition, even if it's hard. No matter how difficult it is, we must do it.
keep strong guys <3

In This Song ~ Charice

I may not know where I'm going now
This broken road is trying to tear me down
But deep inside I've found a secret place, that I never knew where I feel safe, when the world is untrue 
Here's what I've learned to do

Just sing this song and it takes me right back
Where I belong
Everyday there's a new bridge to cross
But I'm never far from home
If I put my heart, my soul, my all
In this song

I don't depend on friends
Cuz they come and go
My belief in myself
Is gonna carry me through
And that why I'm learning, oh, I learning yeah, I'm learning to sing

Just sing this song and it takes me right back
Where I belong
Everyday there's a new bridge to cross
But I'm never far from home
If I put my heart, my soul, my all
In this song

Just sing this song and it takes me right back
Where I belong
Everyday there's a new bridge to cross
But I'm never far from home
If I put my heart, my soul, my all...

I may not have all the words that I need to say, and I know I won't always be strong but I'm never araid
Because I hold my destiny and it depends on me alone, alone so...

Just sing this song and it takes me right back
Where I belong
Everyday there's a new bridge to cross
But I'm never far from home
If I put my heart, my soul, my all
In this song

Just sing this song and it takes me right back
Where I belong
Everyday there's a new bridge to cross
But I'm never far from home
If I put my heart, my soul, my all...
I'll keep putting my heart, my soul, my all
In this song
In this song
In this song


12 Oktober 2013

Sabtu kemarin, diadain Pra Master Camp 2. Tugasnya banyak, bikin video, esai, motivation letter, diary, macem-macem lah. udah tau kalo minggu ini tuh minggu-minggu praktikum, kuis, tugas, semua numpuk jadi satu, masih aja tugas ospeknya banyak. Beberapa hari harus pulang malem terus. Nyari tanda tangan bolak balik Mipa-himpunan :( capek

PMC 2 gak beda jauh sama PMC 1, sama sama bikin ngantuk :\
yang beda waktu part bentak-bentakan sebelum pulang. ada sedikit perdebatan antara maba dengan komsus. gini ceritanya, ada maba yang liat panitia tidur pas materi. trus dia nggak terima kalo maba yang selalu dibentak gara-gara tidur pas materi. yaa jawaban komsusnya selalu aja aneh, nggak nyambung gitu -_-
Intinya mereka nyari-nyari alasan gitu deh..
yaudahlah ya, yang namanya ospek pasti panitia selalu benar dan maba selalu salah, jika panitia salah maka kembali ke peraturan pertama (lawas :\)

bedanya lagi, PMC 2 lebih sepi. banyak yang udah pulang kampung. ada temenku yang nangis pas sharing pendamping gara-gara acaranya molor sampek jam 4, padahal dia harus pulang jam 3. kasiaaan :(

yuk semangat! masih ada PMC 3 dan MC :3


5 Oktober 2013

Ospek jurusan udah dimulai nih.. bakal lebih ekstrim -_- dan itu bener.
Pra Master Camp pertama ini agak aneh menurutku dan kata temen-temenku juga sih..
Kakak-kakak Komsusnya kurang ahli. Ketauan banget kalo mereka nyari-nyari kesalahan. Bedalah sama korlap. aneh, jadi pengen ketawa denger bentakan mereka. Bahkan ada yang mbentak tapi pake bahasa jawa plus medhok lagi hihihi kan kasian yang dari luar jawa nggak ngerti yang diomongin..

pas materi itu bagian paling ngantuk. pas materi krima emang ngantuk sih, tapi bisalah ditahan. kalo yang ini uuh gak bisa ditahan -_-
habis materi pulang. eits, tunggu dulu.. pasti ada part bentak-bentakan. 

kita dibarisin di lapangan parkir depan MIPA. panas sampek basah deh baju. waktu sharing pendamping, ada temenku bilang katanya mukaku kayak kepiting rebus :( segitu merahnya ya??
capek tapi kayak gak dapet apa-apa ya PMC 1 ini -_-
Semoga osjur selanjutnya bisa dapet banyak manfaat gak cuma capek dan bentakan aja :) Semangat kakak panitia! Semangat para maba!

Krima 3

28 September 2013

Hari Sabtu tanggal 28 Sept kemarin ada Krima ketiga. Nggak kayak krima krima sebelumnya yang penuh dengan bentak-bentakan. Krima ketiga ini terkesan antiklimaks. Mas-mas Korlap pada luluh gara-gara kemajuan kita para maba. Selama satu minggu kita udah buktiin bahwa angkatan kita bukan angkatan sampah yang nggak punya otak. bahkan kakak korlap muji kita looh :D

pas hari itu kita juga ada duel jargon. FMIPA vs FK :)
kereeeeen sumpah! yang biasanya aku nggak bersuara pas jargon, entah kenapa waktu duel lawan FK aku teriak-teriak sampek kering tenggorokkan.
seru banget deh.. ngangenin banget moment itu, sampek merinding. ada yang nangis juga loh :D
dan pemenangnya adalaaaaaah FMIPA yeeeeeeeee

semoga nanti krima keempat alias penutupan bakal lebih spektakuler dan jadi klimaks :)

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

tugas ospek niih

Nametag Mastergen

Life mapping

Buku Probin

denah FMIPA UB

Lowongan Kerja


Buruh Tani

Mengapa Entrepreneur?

Visi Misi UB

Hymne UB


Kenapa UB?

Kritik pemimpin bangsa


komentar artikel
Fakultas UB

Struktur pimpinan UB

Mars UB

Totalitas Perjuangan

biografi Wirausahawan

makna Kuadratik

Totaitas Perjuangan


Peran Mahasiswa


Teknik Sidang dan Retorika


Sense of Belonging FMIPA

Mahasiswa Ideal

Tujuan Mahasiswa

TTD pengurus Himamasta

TTD maba dan panitian Probin



Stempel LKM


Life Mapping


jurusan Pilihanku

Buku TTD prodi statistika 2013

Nametag+Gant.Tas PK2MU

Buku PK2MU

Diary Mastergen

Buku Mastergen


Tas Probin

Nametag Leverage