Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

by the way

Morning fellas! How's life? Hope everything's good ;)

Lama nih ga ngepost di sini, semester 4 parah. Tau deh gimana kabarnya KHS. Ga berharap banyak. Tapi tetep berdoa :)

Oke, skip aja tentang kuliah hehe. Oiya udah masuk bulan Ramadhan nih alhamdulillah masih diberi kesempatan bertemu dengan bulan istimewa ini. Mohon maaf lahir batin yaa semua.. semoga kita menjadi hamba Allah yang jauh lebih baik.. aamiin

Aku sebenernya belum ada bahan buat di post cuma tiba-tiba pengen nulis aja hehe maaf yaa
Ini aja deh aku punya sesuatu buat para jombloers nih...
Hey! Read this :3


I know its gonna be hard and harder for me to face it all. Tears just another way to show this kinda situation. But you know I can do nothing to get back what we used to be. I still remember every particular thing about the old us. And I will never forget it. The bad news is I cant stop wondering if those sweet memories could be happened one more time and I will do my best to make sure that everything is right. Thats my problem, actually.
Yaa Allah.. please give me the chance to give my best, give me strength to follow your way, give me a help to get up when i fall, give me Your blessing in every single step i take.. forgive me and all my beloved ones yaa Allah, and thank you for the love You gives to us :')
I will always believe in Allah, forevermore